
0x00 前言


0x01 DexClassLoader


package com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin;

 * Created by wnagzihxa1n on 2017/3/25 0025.

public class Plugin {

    public String Method_one() {
        return "I am Method_one";

    public String Method_two(int num) {
        return num == 1 ? "I am Method_two" : "Sorry";




javac -source 1.6 -target 1.6 com\wnagzihxa1n\plugin\



dx --dex --output=com\wnagzihxa1n\plugin\myDex.dex com\wnagzihxa1n\plugin\Plugin.class





1.1 第一种场景



DexClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory, String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent)


  • dexPath : 要加载的Dex文件存放路径
  • optimizedDirectory : 有些文章说这个是解压过后的Dex存放路径,个人理解应该是Dex文件优化后的ODex文件存放路径,文件也确实变大了
  • libraryPath : 库文件路径
  • parent : 父加载器


ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = this.getApplicationInfo();
String dexPath = "/sdcard/myDex.dex";
String dexOutputDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
String libPath = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

Log.i(TAG, "dexPath :" + dexPath);
Log.i(TAG, "dexOutputdir : " + dexOutputDir);
Log.i(TAG, "libPath : " + libPath);


DexClassLoader dexClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(dexPath, dexOutputDir, libPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

try {
    Class<?> clazz = dexClassLoader.loadClass("com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin.Plugin");
    Object object = clazz.newInstance();

    Method method_one = clazz.getMethod("Method_one");
    String method_one_result = (String)method_one.invoke(object);
    Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_one : " + method_one_result);

    Class[] method_two_param = new Class[1];
    method_two_param[0] = Integer.TYPE;
    Method method_two = clazz.getMethod("Method_two", method_two_param);
    String method_two_result = (String)method_two.invoke(object, 1);
    Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_two : " + method_two_result);

} catch (Exception e) {


package com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader;

public class DexClassLoaderActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    String TAG = "wnagzihxa1n";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = this.getApplicationInfo();
        String dexPath = "/sdcard/myDex.dex";
        String dexOutputDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
        String libPath = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

        Log.i(TAG, "dexPath :" + dexPath);
        Log.i(TAG, "dexOutputDir : " + dexOutputDir);
        Log.i(TAG, "libPath : " + libPath);

        DexClassLoader dexClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(dexPath, dexOutputDir, libPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

        try {
            Class<?> clazz = dexClassLoader.loadClass("com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin.Plugin");
            Object object = clazz.newInstance();

            Method method_one = clazz.getMethod("Method_one");
            String method_one_result = (String)method_one.invoke(object);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_one : " + method_one_result);

            Class[] method_two_param = new Class[1];
            method_two_param[0] = Integer.TYPE;
            Method method_two = clazz.getMethod("Method_two", method_two_param);
            String method_two_result = (String)method_two.invoke(object, 1);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_two : " + method_two_result);

        } catch (Exception e) {


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS"/>


C:\Users\wangz\Desktop>adb push myDex.dex /sdcard/
[100%] /sdcard/myDex.dex


04-08 11:27:37.811 23011-23011/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexPath :/sdcard/myDex.dex
04-08 11:27:37.811 23011-23011/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexOutputDir : /data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files
04-08 11:27:37.811 23011-23011/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: libPath : /data/app-lib/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo-5
04-08 11:27:37.811 23011-23011/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_one : I am Method_one
04-08 11:27:37.811 23011-23011/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_two : I am Method_two



C:\Users\wangz\Desktop>adb shell
root@jflte:/ # cd data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files
root@jflte:/data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files # ls myDex.dex


C:\Users\wangz\Desktop>adb pull /data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files/myDex.dex C:\Users\wangz\Desktop\
[100%] /data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files/myDex.dex


使用010Editor分析,从Magic Number可以看出来,这是个ODex文件,这个属于安装APK流程里面的知识了,以后再讲


1.2 第二种场景




public void releaseDexFile() {
    try {
        InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("myDex.dex", MODE_PRIVATE);
        String packageName = applicationInfo.packageName;

        //Create saved_Dex file directory first else we would got a "open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)" exception
        File dexfilePath_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName);
        if (!dexfilePath_save.exists()) {
        File dexFile_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName + "/myDex.dex");

        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(dexFile_save);
        int myDexlength = inputStream.available();
        byte[] buffer_temp = new byte[myDexlength];;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Releasing myDex.dex failed\n" + e);


//Check the copy function executing successfully
File dexFile = new File(dexPath);
if (!dexFile.exists()) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Top miss, Mid miss, Bot miss, All miss");


//Delete the dex file we copy

//Delete the odex
File odexFile = new File(dexOutputDir + "myDex.dex");


package com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader;

public class DexClassLoaderActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    Context context = DexClassLoaderActivity.this;
    String TAG = "wnagzihxa1n";
    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        applicationInfo = DexClassLoaderActivity.this.getApplicationInfo();

        //Copy myDex.dex from assets/myDex.dex to /sdcard/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/myDex.dex

        String dexPath = "/sdcard/" + applicationInfo.packageName + "/myDex.dex";
        String dexOutputDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
        String libPath = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

        Log.i(TAG, "dexPath :" + dexPath);
        Log.i(TAG, "dexOutputDir : " + dexOutputDir);
        Log.i(TAG, "libPath : " + libPath);

        //Check the copy function executing successfully
        File dexFile = new File(dexPath);
        if (!dexFile.exists()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Top miss, Mid miss, Bot miss, All miss");

        DexClassLoader dexClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(dexPath, dexOutputDir, libPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

        //Delete the dex file we copy

        //Delete the odex
        File odexFile = new File(dexOutputDir + "myDex.dex");

        try {
            Class<?> clazz = dexClassLoader.loadClass("com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin.Plugin");
            Object object = clazz.newInstance();

            Method method_one = clazz.getMethod("Method_one");
            String method_one_result = (String)method_one.invoke(object);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_one : " + method_one_result);

            Class[] method_two_param = new Class[1];
            method_two_param[0] = Integer.TYPE;
            Method method_two = clazz.getMethod("Method_two", method_two_param);
            String method_two_result = (String)method_two.invoke(object, 1);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_two : " + method_two_result);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void releaseDexFile() {
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("myDex.dex", MODE_PRIVATE);
            String packageName = applicationInfo.packageName;

            //Create saved_Dex file directory first else we would got a "open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)" exception
            File dexfilePath_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName);
            if (!dexfilePath_save.exists()) {
            File dexFile_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName + "/myDex.dex");

            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(dexFile_save);
            int myDexlength = inputStream.available();
            byte[] buffer_temp = new byte[myDexlength];
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Releasing myDex.dex failed\n" + e);


04-09 09:48:07.840 25851-25851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexPath :/sdcard/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/myDex.dex
04-09 09:48:07.840 25851-25851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexOutputDir : /data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files
04-09 09:48:07.840 25851-25851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: libPath : /data/app-lib/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo-16
04-09 09:48:07.930 25851-25851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_one : I am Method_one
04-09 09:48:07.930 25851-25851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_two : I am Method_two


open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

1.3 第三种场景





package com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin;


 * Created by wnagzihxa1n on 2017/3/27 0027.

public class EncryptDex {

    String TAG = "wnagzihxa1n";
    static byte xor_key = 0x66; //Someone's name, I miss her so much though I know she will never see it .

    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        File dexFile = new File("myDex.dex");
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
        try {
            fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(dexFile);
            int dexFilelength = fileInputStream.available();
            byte[] buffer_temp = new byte[dexFilelength];

            for (int i = 0; i < dexFilelength; i++) {
                buffer_temp[i] = (byte) (buffer_temp[i] ^ xor_key);

            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File("myDex_encrypt.dex"));
        } catch (Exception e) {


使用Beyond Compare进行十六进制对比



运行后生成myDex_decrypt.dex,再次使用Beyond Compare对比




public void releaseDexFile() {

    byte xor_key = 0x66;

    try {
        InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("myDex_encrypt.dex", MODE_PRIVATE);
        String packageName = applicationInfo.packageName;

        //Create saved_Dex file directory first else we would got a "open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)" exception
        File dexfilePath_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName);
        if (!dexfilePath_save.exists()) {
        File dexFile_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName + "/myDex_decrypt.dex");

        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(dexFile_save);
        int myDexlength = inputStream.available();
        byte[] buffer_temp = new byte[myDexlength];;

        for (int i = 0; i < myDexlength; i++) {
            buffer_temp[i] = (byte) (buffer_temp[i] ^ xor_key);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Releasing myDex.dex failed\n" + e);


package com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import dalvik.system.DexClassLoader;

public class DexClassLoaderActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    Context context = DexClassLoaderActivity.this;
    String TAG = "wnagzihxa1n";
    ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        applicationInfo = DexClassLoaderActivity.this.getApplicationInfo();

        //Copy myDex.dex from assets/myDex.dex to /sdcard/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/myDex.dex

        String dexPath = "/sdcard/" + applicationInfo.packageName + "/myDex_decrypt.dex";
        String dexOutputDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
        String libPath = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

        Log.i(TAG, "dexPath :" + dexPath);
        Log.i(TAG, "dexOutputDir : " + dexOutputDir);
        Log.i(TAG, "libPath : " + libPath);

        //Check the copy function executing successfully
        File dexFile = new File(dexPath);
        if (!dexFile.exists()) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Top miss, Mid miss, Bot miss, All miss");

        DexClassLoader dexClassLoader = new DexClassLoader(dexPath, dexOutputDir, libPath, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

        //Delete the dex file we copy

        //Delete the odex
        File odexFile = new File(dexOutputDir + "myDex_decrypt.dex");

        try {
            Class<?> clazz = dexClassLoader.loadClass("com.wnagzihxa1n.plugin.Plugin");
            Object object = clazz.newInstance();

            Method method_one = clazz.getMethod("Method_one");
            String method_one_result = (String)method_one.invoke(object);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_one : " + method_one_result);

            Class[] method_two_param = new Class[1];
            method_two_param[0] = Integer.TYPE;
            Method method_two = clazz.getMethod("Method_two", method_two_param);
            String method_two_result = (String)method_two.invoke(object, 1);
            Log.i(TAG, "Call Method_two : " + method_two_result);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void releaseDexFile() {

        byte xor_key = 0x66;

        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("myDex_encrypt.dex", MODE_PRIVATE);
            String packageName = applicationInfo.packageName;

            //Create saved_Dex file directory first else we would got a "open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)" exception
            File dexfilePath_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName);
            if (!dexfilePath_save.exists()) {
            File dexFile_save = new File("/sdcard/" + packageName + "/myDex_decrypt.dex");

            FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(dexFile_save);
            int myDexlength = inputStream.available();
            byte[] buffer_temp = new byte[myDexlength];

            for (int i = 0; i < myDexlength; i++) {
                buffer_temp[i] = (byte) (buffer_temp[i] ^ xor_key);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Releasing myDex.dex failed\n" + e);


04-09 23:25:10.673 27851-27851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexPath :/sdcard/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/myDex_decrypt.dex
04-09 23:25:10.673 27851-27851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: dexOutputDir : /data/data/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/files
04-09 23:25:10.673 27851-27851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: libPath : /data/app-lib/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo-18
04-09 23:25:10.763 27851-27851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_one : I am Method_one
04-09 23:25:10.763 27851-27851/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo I/wnagzihxa1n: Call Method_two : I am Method_two

1.4 几个小提醒




java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo.MainActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Optimized data directory /sdcard/com.wnagzihxa1n.dexclassloaderdemo/Dex is not owned by the current user. Shared storage cannot protect your application from code injection attacks.

1.5 DexClassLoader源码解析


 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package dalvik.system;


 * A class loader that loads classes from {@code .jar} and {@code .apk} files
 * containing a {@code classes.dex} entry. This can be used to execute code not
 * installed as part of an application.
 * <p>This class loader requires an application-private, writable directory to
 * cache optimized classes. Use {@code Context.getDir(String, int)} to create
 * such a directory: <pre>   {@code
 *   File dexOutputDir = context.getDir("dex", 0);
 * }</pre>
 * <p><strong>Do not cache optimized classes on external storage.</strong>
 * External storage does not provide access controls necessary to protect your
 * application from code injection attacks.
public class DexClassLoader extends BaseDexClassLoader {
     * Creates a {@code DexClassLoader} that finds interpreted and native
     * code.  Interpreted classes are found in a set of DEX files contained
     * in Jar or APK files.
     * <p>The path lists are separated using the character specified by the
     * {@code path.separator} system property, which defaults to {@code :}.
     * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and
     *     resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which
     *     defaults to {@code ":"} on Android
     * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized dex files
     *     should be written; must not be {@code null}
     * @param libraryPath the list of directories containing native
     *     libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be
     *     {@code null}
     * @param parent the parent class loader
    public DexClassLoader(String dexPath, String optimizedDirectory,
            String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) {
        super(dexPath, new File(optimizedDirectory), libraryPath, parent);


 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and
 * resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which
 * defaults to {@code ":"} on Android
 * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized dex files
 * should be written; may be {@code null}
 * @param libraryPath the list of directories containing native
 * libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be
 * {@code null}
 * @param parent the parent class loader
public BaseDexClassLoader(String dexPath, File optimizedDirectory,
        String libraryPath, ClassLoader parent) {
    this.pathList = new DexPathList(this, dexPath, libraryPath, optimizedDirectory);

 * Constructs a new instance of this class with the system class loader as
 * its parent.
protected ClassLoader() {
    this(getSystemClassLoader(), false);

 * Constructs a new instance of this class with the specified class loader
 * as its parent.
 * @param parentLoader
 *            The {@code ClassLoader} to use as the new class loader's
 *            parent.
protected ClassLoader(ClassLoader parentLoader) {
    this(parentLoader, false);

 * constructor for the BootClassLoader which needs parent to be null.
ClassLoader(ClassLoader parentLoader, boolean nullAllowed) {
    if (parentLoader == null && !nullAllowed) {
        throw new NullPointerException("parentLoader == null && !nullAllowed");
    parent = parentLoader;



 * Constructs an instance.
 * @param definingContext the context in which any as-yet unresolved
 * classes should be defined
 * @param dexPath list of dex/resource path elements, separated by
 * {@code File.pathSeparator}
 * @param libraryPath list of native library directory path elements,
 * separated by {@code File.pathSeparator}
 * @param optimizedDirectory directory where optimized {@code .dex} files
 * should be found and written to, or {@code null} to use the default
 * system directory for same
public DexPathList(ClassLoader definingContext, String dexPath,
        String libraryPath, File optimizedDirectory) {
    if (definingContext == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("definingContext == null");

    if (dexPath == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("dexPath == null");

    if (optimizedDirectory != null) {
        if (!optimizedDirectory.exists())  {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "optimizedDirectory doesn't exist: "
                    + optimizedDirectory);

        if (!(optimizedDirectory.canRead()
                        && optimizedDirectory.canWrite())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "optimizedDirectory not readable/writable: "
                    + optimizedDirectory);

    this.definingContext = definingContext;
    ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>();
    this.dexElements = makeDexElements(splitDexPath(dexPath), optimizedDirectory,
    if (suppressedExceptions.size() > 0) {
        this.dexElementsSuppressedExceptions =
            suppressedExceptions.toArray(new IOException[suppressedExceptions.size()]);
    } else {
        dexElementsSuppressedExceptions = null;
    this.nativeLibraryDirectories = splitLibraryPath(libraryPath);


this.definingContext = definingContext;
ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList<IOException>();
this.dexElements = makeDexElements(splitDexPath(dexPath), optimizedDirectory,
if (suppressedExceptions.size() > 0) {
    this.dexElementsSuppressedExceptions =
        suppressedExceptions.toArray(new IOException[suppressedExceptions.size()]);
} else {
    dexElementsSuppressedExceptions = null;
this.nativeLibraryDirectories = splitLibraryPath(libraryPath);


this.dexElements = makeDexElements(splitDexPath(dexPath), optimizedDirectory,


 * Splits the given dex path string into elements using the path
 * separator, pruning out any elements that do not refer to existing
 * and readable files. (That is, directories are not included in the
 * result.)
private static ArrayList<File> splitDexPath(String path) {
    return splitPaths(path, null, false);


 * Splits the given path strings into file elements using the path
 * separator, combining the results and filtering out elements
 * that don't exist, aren't readable, or aren't either a regular
 * file or a directory (as specified). Either string may be empty
 * or {@code null}, in which case it is ignored. If both strings
 * are empty or {@code null}, or all elements get pruned out, then
 * this returns a zero-element list.
private static ArrayList<File> splitPaths(String path1, String path2,
        boolean wantDirectories) {
    ArrayList<File> result = new ArrayList<File>();

    splitAndAdd(path1, wantDirectories, result);
    splitAndAdd(path2, wantDirectories, result);
    return result;

再跳到splitAndAdd(),此处需要结合一开始的DexClassLoader类的注释参数说明,由于我们要加载的Dex或者APK可能有多个,中间用:分割,结合成一个字符串形式传入,在这里进行分割,返回File ArrayList对象

 * Helper for {@link #splitPaths}, which does the actual splitting
 * and filtering and adding to a result.
private static void splitAndAdd(String searchPath, boolean directoriesOnly,
        ArrayList<File> resultList) {
    if (searchPath == null) {
    for (String path : searchPath.split(":")) {
        try {
            StructStat sb = Libcore.os.stat(path);
            if (!directoriesOnly || S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) {
                resultList.add(new File(path));
        } catch (ErrnoException ignored) {

在调用makeDexElements()时传入的第一个参数就是需要加载的File ArrayList


 * Makes an array of dex/resource path elements, one per element of
 * the given array.
private static Element[] makeDexElements(ArrayList<File> files, File optimizedDirectory,
                                         ArrayList<IOException> suppressedExceptions) {
    ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>();
     * Open all files and load the (direct or contained) dex files
     * up front.
    for (File file : files) {
        File zip = null;
        DexFile dex = null;
        String name = file.getName();

        if (name.endsWith(DEX_SUFFIX)) {
            // Raw dex file (not inside a zip/jar).
            try {
                dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                System.logE("Unable to load dex file: " + file, ex);
        } else if (name.endsWith(APK_SUFFIX) || name.endsWith(JAR_SUFFIX)
                || name.endsWith(ZIP_SUFFIX)) {
            zip = file;

            try {
                dex = loadDexFile(file, optimizedDirectory);
            } catch (IOException suppressed) {
                 * IOException might get thrown "legitimately" by the DexFile constructor if the
                 * zip file turns out to be resource-only (that is, no classes.dex file in it).
                 * Let dex == null and hang on to the exception to add to the tea-leaves for
                 * when findClass returns null.
        } else if (file.isDirectory()) {
            // We support directories for looking up resources.
            // This is only useful for running libcore tests.
            elements.add(new Element(file, true, null, null));
        } else {
            System.logW("Unknown file type for: " + file);

        if ((zip != null) || (dex != null)) {
            elements.add(new Element(file, false, zip, dex));

    return elements.toArray(new Element[elements.size()]);


 * Constructs a {@code DexFile} instance, as appropriate depending
 * on whether {@code optimizedDirectory} is {@code null}.
private static DexFile loadDexFile(File file, File optimizedDirectory)
        throws IOException {
    if (optimizedDirectory == null) {
        return new DexFile(file);
    } else {
        String optimizedPath = optimizedPathFor(file, optimizedDirectory);
        return DexFile.loadDex(file.getPath(), optimizedPath, 0);


 * Opens a DEX file from a given File object. This will usually be a ZIP/JAR
 * file with a "classes.dex" inside.
 * The VM will generate the name of the corresponding file in
 * /data/dalvik-cache and open it, possibly creating or updating
 * it first if system permissions allow.  Don't pass in the name of
 * a file in /data/dalvik-cache, as the named file is expected to be
 * in its original (pre-dexopt) state.
 * @param file
 *            the File object referencing the actual DEX file
 * @throws IOException
 *             if an I/O error occurs, such as the file not being found or
 *             access rights missing for opening it
public DexFile(File file) throws IOException {


 * Converts a dex/jar file path and an output directory to an
 * output file path for an associated optimized dex file.
private static String optimizedPathFor(File path,
        File optimizedDirectory) {
     * Get the filename component of the path, and replace the
     * suffix with ".dex" if that's not already the suffix.
     * We don't want to use ".odex", because the build system uses
     * that for files that are paired with resource-only jar
     * files. If the VM can assume that there's no classes.dex in
     * the matching jar, it doesn't need to open the jar to check
     * for updated dependencies, providing a slight performance
     * boost at startup. The use of ".dex" here matches the use on
     * files in /data/dalvik-cache.
    String fileName = path.getName();
    if (!fileName.endsWith(DEX_SUFFIX)) {
        int lastDot = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
        if (lastDot < 0) {
            fileName += DEX_SUFFIX;
        } else {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(lastDot + 4);
            sb.append(fileName, 0, lastDot);
            fileName = sb.toString();

    File result = new File(optimizedDirectory, fileName);
    return result.getPath();


 * Open a DEX file, specifying the file in which the optimized DEX
 * data should be written.  If the optimized form exists and appears
 * to be current, it will be used; if not, the VM will attempt to
 * regenerate it.
 * This is intended for use by applications that wish to download
 * and execute DEX files outside the usual application installation
 * mechanism.  This function should not be called directly by an
 * application; instead, use a class loader such as
 * dalvik.system.DexClassLoader.
 * @param sourcePathName
 *  Jar or APK file with "classes.dex".  (May expand this to include
 *  "raw DEX" in the future.)
 * @param outputPathName
 *  File that will hold the optimized form of the DEX data.
 * @param flags
 *  Enable optional features.  (Currently none defined.)
 * @return
 *  A new or previously-opened DexFile.
 * @throws IOException
 *  If unable to open the source or output file.
static public DexFile loadDex(String sourcePathName, String outputPathName,
    int flags) throws IOException {

     * TODO: we may want to cache previously-opened DexFile objects.
     * The cache would be synchronized with close().  This would help
     * us avoid mapping the same DEX more than once when an app
     * decided to open it multiple times.  In practice this may not
     * be a real issue.
    return new DexFile(sourcePathName, outputPathName, flags);



 * Opens a DEX file from a given filename, using a specified file
 * to hold the optimized data.
 * @param sourceName
 *  Jar or APK file with "classes.dex".
 * @param outputName
 *  File that will hold the optimized form of the DEX data.
 * @param flags
 *  Enable optional features.
private DexFile(String sourceName, String outputName, int flags) throws IOException {
    if (outputName != null) {
        try {
            String parent = new File(outputName).getParent();
            if (Libcore.os.getuid() != Libcore.os.stat(parent).st_uid) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optimized data directory " + parent
                        + " is not owned by the current user. Shared storage cannot protect"
                        + " your application from code injection attacks.");
        } catch (ErrnoException ignored) {
            // assume we'll fail with a more contextual error later

    mCookie = openDexFile(sourceName, outputName, flags);
    mFileName = sourceName;"close");
    //System.out.println("DEX FILE cookie is " + mCookie);


private int mCookie;


 * Open a DEX file.  The value returned is a magic VM cookie.  On
 * failure, an IOException is thrown.
private static int openDexFile(String sourceName, String outputName,
    int flags) throws IOException {
    return openDexFileNative(new File(sourceName).getCanonicalPath(),
                             (outputName == null) ? null : new File(outputName).getCanonicalPath(),


native private static int openDexFileNative(String sourceName, String outputName,
    int flags) throws IOException;


const DalvikNativeMethod dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile[] = {
    { "openDexFileNative",  "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)I",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFileNative },
    { "openDexFile",        "([B)I",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile_bytearray },
    { "closeDexFile",       "(I)V",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_closeDexFile },
    { "defineClassNative",  "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;I)Ljava/lang/Class;",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClassNative },
    { "getClassNameList",   "(I)[Ljava/lang/String;",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_getClassNameList },
    { "isDexOptNeeded",     "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_isDexOptNeeded },
    { NULL, NULL, NULL },


 * private static int openDexFileNative(String sourceName, String outputName,
 *     int flags) throws IOException
 * Open a DEX file, returning a pointer to our internal data structure.
 * "sourceName" should point to the "source" jar or DEX file.
 * If "outputName" is NULL, the DEX code will automatically find the
 * "optimized" version in the cache directory, creating it if necessary.
 * If it's non-NULL, the specified file will be used instead.
 * TODO: at present we will happily open the same file more than once.
 * To optimize this away we could search for existing entries in the hash
 * table and refCount them.  Requires atomic ops or adding "synchronized"
 * to the non-native code that calls here.
 * TODO: should be using "long" for a pointer.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFileNative(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* sourceNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* outputNameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = NULL;
    JarFile* pJarFile;
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
    char* sourceName;
    char* outputName;

    if (sourceNameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowNullPointerException("sourceName == null");

    sourceName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(sourceNameObj);
    if (outputNameObj != NULL)
        outputName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(outputNameObj);
        outputName = NULL;

     * We have to deal with the possibility that somebody might try to
     * open one of our bootstrap class DEX files.  The set of dependencies
     * will be different, and hence the results of optimization might be
     * different, which means we'd actually need to have two versions of
     * the optimized DEX: one that only knows about part of the boot class
     * path, and one that knows about everything in it.  The latter might
     * optimize field/method accesses based on a class that appeared later
     * in the class path.
     * We can't let the user-defined class loader open it and start using
     * the classes, since the optimized form of the code skips some of
     * the method and field resolution that we would ordinarily do, and
     * we'd have the wrong semantics.
     * We have to reject attempts to manually open a DEX file from the boot
     * class path.  The easiest way to do this is by filename, which works
     * out because variations in name (e.g. "/system/framework/./ext.jar")
     * result in us hitting a different dalvik-cache entry.  It's also fine
     * if the caller specifies their own output file.
    if (dvmClassPathContains(gDvm.bootClassPath, sourceName)) {
        ALOGW("Refusing to reopen boot DEX '%s'", sourceName);
            "Re-opening BOOTCLASSPATH DEX files is not allowed");

     * Try to open it directly as a DEX if the name ends with ".dex".
     * If that fails (or isn't tried in the first place), try it as a
     * Zip with a "classes.dex" inside.
    if (hasDexExtension(sourceName)
            && dvmRawDexFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pRawDexFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
        pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else if (dvmJarFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pJarFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (Jar)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = false;
        pDexOrJar->pJarFile = pJarFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else {
        ALOGV("Unable to open DEX file '%s'", sourceName);
        dvmThrowIOException("unable to open DEX file");

    if (pDexOrJar != NULL) {
        pDexOrJar->fileName = sourceName;
    } else {



StringObject* sourceNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
StringObject* outputNameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = NULL;
JarFile* pJarFile;
RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;


char* sourceName;
char* outputName;

if (sourceNameObj == NULL) {
    dvmThrowNullPointerException("sourceName == null");

sourceName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(sourceNameObj);
if (outputNameObj != NULL)
    outputName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(outputNameObj);
    outputName = NULL;

在处理完参数的问题后,判断该Dex文件是否是系统的Dex也就是bootstrap class DEX files,如果是的话,就会拒绝,一个原因是加载的依赖集合会不同,由此造成的优化结果也不一样,然后balabala的,还有一个原因是会重复加载,因为这些都已经加载过了,总之就是要防止某些小兔崽子加载上面说的Dex文件,最后还说了句:最好开发者指定一个输出目录,也就是ODex文件的存储路径,存储路径参考前面的三个场景代码来设置

 * We have to deal with the possibility that somebody might try to
 * open one of our bootstrap class DEX files.  The set of dependencies
 * will be different, and hence the results of optimization might be
 * different, which means we'd actually need to have two versions of
 * the optimized DEX: one that only knows about part of the boot class
 * path, and one that knows about everything in it.  The latter might
 * optimize field/method accesses based on a class that appeared later
 * in the class path.
 * We can't let the user-defined class loader open it and start using
 * the classes, since the optimized form of the code skips some of
 * the method and field resolution that we would ordinarily do, and
 * we'd have the wrong semantics.
 * We have to reject attempts to manually open a DEX file from the boot
 * class path.  The easiest way to do this is by filename, which works
 * out because variations in name (e.g. "/system/framework/./ext.jar")
 * result in us hitting a different dalvik-cache entry.  It's also fine
 * if the caller specifies their own output file.
if (dvmClassPathContains(gDvm.bootClassPath, sourceName)) {
    ALOGW("Refusing to reopen boot DEX '%s'", sourceName);
        "Re-opening BOOTCLASSPATH DEX files is not allowed");


 * Try to open it directly as a DEX if the name ends with ".dex".
 * If that fails (or isn't tried in the first place), try it as a
 * Zip with a "classes.dex" inside.
if (hasDexExtension(sourceName)
        && dvmRawDexFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pRawDexFile, false) == 0) {
    ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)", sourceName);

    pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
    pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
    pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
    pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;


 * Return true if the given name ends with ".dex".
static bool hasDexExtension(const char* name) {
    size_t len = strlen(name);

    return (len >= 5)
        && (name[len - 5] != '/')
        && (strcmp(&name[len - 4], ".dex") == 0);

打开Dex文件的dvmRawDexFileOpen()方法,第一句让你看comment in header的其实就一句话Open an unoptimized DEX file.

/* See documentation comment in header. */
int dvmRawDexFileOpen(const char* fileName, const char* odexOutputName,
    RawDexFile** ppRawDexFile, bool isBootstrap)
     * TODO: This duplicates a lot of code from dvmJarFileOpen() in
     * JarFile.c. This should be refactored.

    DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;
    char* cachedName = NULL;
    int result = -1;
    int dexFd = -1;
    int optFd = -1;
    u4 modTime = 0;
    u4 adler32 = 0;
    size_t fileSize = 0;
    bool newFile = false;
    bool locked = false;

    dexFd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
    if (dexFd < 0) goto bail;

    /* If we fork/exec into dexopt, don't let it inherit the open fd. */

    if (verifyMagicAndGetAdler32(dexFd, &adler32) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Error with header for %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (getModTimeAndSize(dexFd, &modTime, &fileSize) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Error with stat for %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

     * See if the cached file matches. If so, optFd will become a reference
     * to the cached file and will have been seeked to just past the "opt"
     * header.

    if (odexOutputName == NULL) {
        cachedName = dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(fileName, NULL);
        if (cachedName == NULL)
            goto bail;
    } else {
        cachedName = strdup(odexOutputName);

    ALOGV("dvmRawDexFileOpen: Checking cache for %s (%s)",
            fileName, cachedName);

    optFd = dvmOpenCachedDexFile(fileName, cachedName, modTime,
        adler32, isBootstrap, &newFile, /*createIfMissing=*/true);

    if (optFd < 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to open or create cache for %s (%s)",
                fileName, cachedName);
        goto bail;
    locked = true;

     * If optFd points to a new file (because there was no cached
     * version, or the cached version was stale), generate the
     * optimized DEX. The file descriptor returned is still locked,
     * and is positioned just past the optimization header.
    if (newFile) {
        u8 startWhen, copyWhen, endWhen;
        bool result;
        off_t dexOffset;

        dexOffset = lseek(optFd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
        result = (dexOffset > 0);

        if (result) {
            startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
            result = copyFileToFile(optFd, dexFd, fileSize) == 0;
            copyWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

        if (result) {
            result = dvmOptimizeDexFile(optFd, dexOffset, fileSize,
                fileName, modTime, adler32, isBootstrap);

        if (!result) {
            ALOGE("Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '%s'", fileName);
            goto bail;

        endWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        ALOGD("DEX prep '%s': copy in %dms, rewrite %dms",
            (int) (copyWhen - startWhen) / 1000,
            (int) (endWhen - copyWhen) / 1000);

     * Map the cached version.  This immediately rewinds the fd, so it
     * doesn't have to be seeked anywhere in particular.
    if (dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(optFd, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
        ALOGI("Unable to map cached %s", fileName);
        goto bail;

    if (locked) {
        /* unlock the fd */
        if (!dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(optFd)) {
            /* uh oh -- this process needs to exit or we'll wedge the system */
            ALOGE("Unable to unlock DEX file");
            goto bail;
        locked = false;

    ALOGV("Successfully opened '%s'", fileName);

    *ppRawDexFile = (RawDexFile*) calloc(1, sizeof(RawDexFile));
    (*ppRawDexFile)->cacheFileName = cachedName;
    (*ppRawDexFile)->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
    cachedName = NULL;      // don't free it below
    result = 0;

    if (dexFd >= 0) {
    if (optFd >= 0) {
        if (locked)
            (void) dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(optFd);
    return result;


DvmDex* pDvmDex = NULL;


 * Some additional VM data structures that are associated with the DEX file.
struct DvmDex {
    /* pointer to the DexFile we're associated with */
    DexFile*            pDexFile;

    /* clone of pDexFile->pHeader (it's used frequently enough) */
    const DexHeader*    pHeader;

    /* interned strings; parallel to "stringIds" */
    struct StringObject** pResStrings;

    /* resolved classes; parallel to "typeIds" */
    struct ClassObject** pResClasses;

    /* resolved methods; parallel to "methodIds" */
    struct Method**     pResMethods;

    /* resolved instance fields; parallel to "fieldIds" */
    /* (this holds both InstField and StaticField) */
    struct Field**      pResFields;

    /* interface method lookup cache */
    struct AtomicCache* pInterfaceCache;

    /* shared memory region with file contents */
    bool                isMappedReadOnly;
    MemMapping          memMap;

    jobject dex_object;

    /* lock ensuring mutual exclusion during updates */
    pthread_mutex_t     modLock;


char* cachedName = NULL;
int result = -1;
int dexFd = -1;
int optFd = -1;
u4 modTime = 0;
u4 adler32 = 0;
size_t fileSize = 0;
bool newFile = false;
bool locked = false;


dexFd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY);
if (dexFd < 0) goto bail;


/* If we fork/exec into dexopt, don't let it inherit the open fd. */


 * Set the "close on exec" flag so we don't expose our file descriptors
 * to processes launched by us.
bool dvmSetCloseOnExec(int fd)
    int flags;

     * There's presently only one flag defined, so getting the previous
     * value of the fd flags is probably unnecessary.
    flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD);
    if (flags < 0) {
        ALOGW("Unable to get fd flags for fd %d", fd);
        return false;
    if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) {
        ALOGW("Unable to set close-on-exec for fd %d", fd);
        return false;
    return true;

验证,两个功能,显示验证Magic Number,然后获取checksum,该值存储在传入的指针指向的内存空间

if (verifyMagicAndGetAdler32(dexFd, &adler32) < 0) {
    ALOGE("Error with header for %s", fileName);
    goto bail;


 * Verify the dex file magic number, and get the adler32 checksum out
 * of the given fd, which is presumed to be a reference to a dex file
 * with the cursor at the start of the file. The fd's cursor is
 * modified by this operation.
static int verifyMagicAndGetAdler32(int fd, u4 *adler32)
     * The start of a dex file is eight bytes of magic followed by
     * four bytes of checksum.
    u1 headerStart[12];
    ssize_t amt = read(fd, headerStart, sizeof(headerStart));

    if (amt < 0) {
        ALOGE("Unable to read header: %s", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (amt != sizeof(headerStart)) {
        ALOGE("Unable to read full header (only got %d bytes)", (int) amt);
        return -1;

    if (!dexHasValidMagic((DexHeader*) (void*) headerStart)) {
        return -1;

     * We can't just cast the data to a u4 and read it, since the
     * platform might be big-endian (also, because that would make the
     * compiler complain about type-punned pointers). We assume here
     * that the dex file is in the standard little-endian format; if
     * that assumption turns out to be invalid, code that runs later
     * will notice and complain.
    *adler32 = (u4) headerStart[8]
        | (((u4) headerStart[9]) << 8)
        | (((u4) headerStart[10]) << 16)
        | (((u4) headerStart[11]) << 24);

    return 0;

dexHasValidMagic()方法用于验证Magic Number,注意参数类型的转换

/* (documented in header file) */
bool dexHasValidMagic(const DexHeader* pHeader)
    const u1* magic = pHeader->magic;
    const u1* version = &magic[4];

    if (memcmp(magic, DEX_MAGIC, 4) != 0) {
        ALOGE("ERROR: unrecognized magic number (%02x %02x %02x %02x)",
            magic[0], magic[1], magic[2], magic[3]);
        return false;

    if ((memcmp(version, DEX_MAGIC_VERS, 4) != 0) &&
            (memcmp(version, DEX_MAGIC_VERS_API_13, 4) != 0)) {
         * Magic was correct, but this is an unsupported older or
         * newer format variant.
        ALOGE("ERROR: unsupported dex version (%02x %02x %02x %02x)",
            version[0], version[1], version[2], version[3]);
        return false;

    return true;


if (getModTimeAndSize(dexFd, &modTime, &fileSize) < 0) {
    ALOGE("Error with stat for %s", fileName);
    goto bail;


 * Get the modification time and size in bytes for the given fd.
static int getModTimeAndSize(int fd, u4* modTime, size_t* size)
    struct stat buf;
    int result = fstat(fd, &buf);

    if (result < 0) {
        ALOGE("Unable to determine mod time: %s", strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    *modTime = (u4) buf.st_mtime;
    *size = (size_t) buf.st_size;
    assert((size_t) buf.st_size == buf.st_size);

    return 0;


 * See if the cached file matches. If so, optFd will become a reference
 * to the cached file and will have been seeked to just past the "opt"
 * header.

if (odexOutputName == NULL) {
    cachedName = dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(fileName, NULL);
    if (cachedName == NULL)
        goto bail;
} else {
    cachedName = strdup(odexOutputName);

ALOGV("dvmRawDexFileOpen: Checking cache for %s (%s)",
        fileName, cachedName);


 * Given the filename of a .jar or .dex file, construct the DEX file cache
 * name.
 * For a Jar, "subFileName" is the name of the entry (usually "classes.dex").
 * For a DEX, it may be NULL.
 * Returns a newly-allocated string, or NULL on failure.
char* dexOptGenerateCacheFileName(const char* fileName, const char* subFileName)
    char nameBuf[512];
    char absoluteFile[sizeof(nameBuf)];
    const size_t kBufLen = sizeof(nameBuf) - 1;
    const char* dataRoot;
    char* cp;

     * Get the absolute path of the Jar or DEX file.
    absoluteFile[0] = '\0';
    if (fileName[0] != '/') {
         * Generate the absolute path.  This doesn't do everything it
         * should, e.g. if filename is "./out/whatever" it doesn't crunch
         * the leading "./" out, but it'll do.
        if (getcwd(absoluteFile, kBufLen) == NULL) {
            ALOGE("Can't get CWD while opening jar file");
            return NULL;
        strncat(absoluteFile, "/", kBufLen);
    strncat(absoluteFile, fileName, kBufLen);

     * Append the name of the Jar file entry, if any.  This is not currently
     * required, but will be if we start putting more than one DEX file
     * in a Jar.
    if (subFileName != NULL) {
        strncat(absoluteFile, "/", kBufLen);
        strncat(absoluteFile, subFileName, kBufLen);

    /* Turn the path into a flat filename by replacing
     * any slashes after the first one with '@' characters.
    cp = absoluteFile + 1;
    while (*cp != '\0') {
        if (*cp == '/') {
            *cp = '@';

    /* Build the name of the cache directory.
    dataRoot = getenv("ANDROID_DATA");
    if (dataRoot == NULL)
        dataRoot = "/data";
    snprintf(nameBuf, kBufLen, "%s/%s", dataRoot, kCacheDirectoryName);

    /* Tack on the file name for the actual cache file path.
    strncat(nameBuf, absoluteFile, kBufLen);

    ALOGV("Cache file for '%s' '%s' is '%s'", fileName, subFileName, nameBuf);
    return strdup(nameBuf);


optFd = dvmOpenCachedDexFile(fileName, cachedName, modTime,
    adler32, isBootstrap, &newFile, /*createIfMissing=*/true);

if (optFd < 0) {
    ALOGI("Unable to open or create cache for %s (%s)",
            fileName, cachedName);
    goto bail;


 * Return the fd of an open file in the DEX file cache area.  If the cache
 * file doesn't exist or is out of date, this will remove the old entry,
 * create a new one (writing only the file header), and return with the
 * "new file" flag set.
 * It's possible to execute from an unoptimized DEX file directly,
 * assuming the byte ordering and structure alignment is correct, but
 * disadvantageous because some significant optimizations are not possible.
 * It's not generally possible to do the same from an uncompressed Jar
 * file entry, because we have to guarantee 32-bit alignment in the
 * memory-mapped file.
 * For a Jar/APK file (a zip archive with "classes.dex" inside), "modWhen"
 * and "crc32" come from the Zip directory entry.  For a stand-alone DEX
 * file, it's the modification date of the file and the Adler32 from the
 * DEX header (which immediately follows the magic).  If these don't
 * match what's stored in the opt header, we reject the file immediately.
 * On success, the file descriptor will be positioned just past the "opt"
 * file header, and will be locked with flock.  "*pCachedName" will point
 * to newly-allocated storage.
int dvmOpenCachedDexFile(const char* fileName, const char* cacheFileName,
    u4 modWhen, u4 crc, bool isBootstrap, bool* pNewFile, bool createIfMissing)
    int fd, cc;
    struct stat fdStat, fileStat;
    bool readOnly = false;

    *pNewFile = false;

     * Try to open the cache file.  If we've been asked to,
     * create it if it doesn't exist.
    fd = createIfMissing ? open(cacheFileName, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644) : -1;
    if (fd < 0) {
        fd = open(cacheFileName, O_RDONLY, 0);
        if (fd < 0) {
            if (createIfMissing) {
                // TODO: write an equivalent of strerror_r that returns a std::string.
                const std::string errnoString(strerror(errno));
                if (directoryIsValid(cacheFileName)) {
                    ALOGE("Can't open dex cache file '%s': %s", cacheFileName, errnoString.c_str());
            return fd;
        readOnly = true;
    } else {
        fchmod(fd, 0644);

     * Grab an exclusive lock on the cache file.  If somebody else is
     * working on it, we'll block here until they complete.  Because
     * we're waiting on an external resource, we go into VMWAIT mode.
    ALOGV("DexOpt: locking cache file %s (fd=%d, boot=%d)",
        cacheFileName, fd, isBootstrap);
    ThreadStatus oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(NULL, THREAD_VMWAIT);
    cc = flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
    if (cc != 0) {
        ALOGD("DexOpt: sleeping on flock(%s)", cacheFileName);
        cc = flock(fd, LOCK_EX);
    dvmChangeStatus(NULL, oldStatus);
    if (cc != 0) {
        ALOGE("Can't lock dex cache '%s': %d", cacheFileName, cc);
        return -1;
    ALOGV("DexOpt:  locked cache file");

     * Check to see if the fd we opened and locked matches the file in
     * the filesystem.  If they don't, then somebody else unlinked ours
     * and created a new file, and we need to use that one instead.  (If
     * we caught them between the unlink and the create, we'll get an
     * ENOENT from the file stat.)
    cc = fstat(fd, &fdStat);
    if (cc != 0) {
        ALOGE("Can't stat open file '%s'", cacheFileName);
        LOGVV("DexOpt: unlocking cache file %s", cacheFileName);
        goto close_fail;
    cc = stat(cacheFileName, &fileStat);
    if (cc != 0 ||
        fdStat.st_dev != fileStat.st_dev || fdStat.st_ino != fileStat.st_ino)
        ALOGD("DexOpt: our open cache file is stale; sleeping and retrying");
        LOGVV("DexOpt: unlocking cache file %s", cacheFileName);
        flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
        usleep(250 * 1000);     /* if something is hosed, don't peg machine */
        goto retry;

     * We have the correct file open and locked.  If the file size is zero,
     * then it was just created by us, and we want to fill in some fields
     * in the "opt" header and set "*pNewFile".  Otherwise, we want to
     * verify that the fields in the header match our expectations, and
     * reset the file if they don't.
    if (fdStat.st_size == 0) {
        if (readOnly) {
            ALOGW("DexOpt: file has zero length and isn't writable");
            goto close_fail;
        cc = dexOptCreateEmptyHeader(fd);
        if (cc != 0)
            goto close_fail;
        *pNewFile = true;
        ALOGV("DexOpt: successfully initialized new cache file");
    } else {
        bool expectVerify, expectOpt;

        if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_NONE) {
            expectVerify = false;
        } else if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_REMOTE) {
            expectVerify = !isBootstrap;
        } else /*if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_ALL)*/ {
            expectVerify = true;

        if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_NONE) {
            expectOpt = false;
        } else if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_VERIFIED ||
                   gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_FULL) {
            expectOpt = expectVerify;
        } else /*if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_ALL)*/ {
            expectOpt = true;

        ALOGV("checking deps, expecting vfy=%d opt=%d",
            expectVerify, expectOpt);

        if (!dvmCheckOptHeaderAndDependencies(fd, true, modWhen, crc,
                expectVerify, expectOpt))
            if (readOnly) {
                 * We could unlink and rewrite the file if we own it or
                 * the "sticky" bit isn't set on the directory.  However,
                 * we're not able to truncate it, which spoils things.  So,
                 * give up now.
                if (createIfMissing) {
                    ALOGW("Cached DEX '%s' (%s) is stale and not writable",
                        fileName, cacheFileName);
                goto close_fail;

             * If we truncate the existing file before unlinking it, any
             * process that has it mapped will fail when it tries to touch
             * the pages.
             * This is very important.  The zygote process will have the
             * boot DEX files (core, framework, etc.) mapped early.  If
             * (say) core.dex gets updated, and somebody launches an app
             * that uses App.dex, then App.dex gets reoptimized because it's
             * dependent upon the boot classes.  However, dexopt will be
             * using the *new* core.dex to do the optimizations, while the
             * app will actually be running against the *old* core.dex
             * because it starts from zygote.
             * Even without zygote, it's still possible for a class loader
             * to pull in an APK that was optimized against an older set
             * of DEX files.  We must ensure that everything fails when a
             * boot DEX gets updated, and for general "why aren't my
             * changes doing anything" purposes its best if we just make
             * everything crash when a DEX they're using gets updated.
            ALOGD("ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (%s)",
            if (ftruncate(fd, 0) != 0) {
                ALOGW("Warning: unable to truncate cache file '%s': %s",
                    cacheFileName, strerror(errno));
                /* keep going */
            if (unlink(cacheFileName) != 0) {
                ALOGW("Warning: unable to remove cache file '%s': %d %s",
                    cacheFileName, errno, strerror(errno));
                /* keep going; permission failure should probably be fatal */
            LOGVV("DexOpt: unlocking cache file %s", cacheFileName);
            flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
            goto retry;
        } else {
            ALOGV("DexOpt: good deps in cache file");

    assert(fd >= 0);
    return fd;

    flock(fd, LOCK_UN);
    return -1;


locked = true;


因为ODex文件有一个ODex Header,然后才是Dex文件的数据,所以如果当前指针指向偏移0,说明这个ODex Header不存在,那么ODex文件也是有问题的

所以出现result的多次判断,当偏移大于0,说明有ODex Header,然后就可以将Dex文件的数据写进ODex文件


 * If optFd points to a new file (because there was no cached
 * version, or the cached version was stale), generate the
 * optimized DEX. The file descriptor returned is still locked,
 * and is positioned just past the optimization header.
if (newFile) {
    u8 startWhen, copyWhen, endWhen;
    bool result;
    off_t dexOffset;

    dexOffset = lseek(optFd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
    result = (dexOffset > 0);

    if (result) {
        startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
        result = copyFileToFile(optFd, dexFd, fileSize) == 0;
        copyWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();

    if (result) {
        result = dvmOptimizeDexFile(optFd, dexOffset, fileSize,
            fileName, modTime, adler32, isBootstrap);

    if (!result) {
        ALOGE("Unable to extract+optimize DEX from '%s'", fileName);
        goto bail;

    endWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
    ALOGD("DEX prep '%s': copy in %dms, rewrite %dms",
        (int) (copyWhen - startWhen) / 1000,
        (int) (endWhen - copyWhen) / 1000);

中间用于处理ODex Header + Dex的函数,也是蛮长的,还是看注释好,不过,这里是真的完成了ODex文件的生成

 * Given a descriptor for a file with DEX data in it, produce an
 * optimized version.
 * The file pointed to by "fd" is expected to be a locked shared resource
 * (or private); we make no efforts to enforce multi-process correctness
 * here.
 * "fileName" is only used for debug output.  "modWhen" and "crc" are stored
 * in the dependency set.
 * The "isBootstrap" flag determines how the optimizer and verifier handle
 * package-scope access checks.  When optimizing, we only load the bootstrap
 * class DEX files and the target DEX, so the flag determines whether the
 * target DEX classes are given a (synthetic) non-NULL classLoader pointer.
 * This only really matters if the target DEX contains classes that claim to
 * be in the same package as bootstrap classes.
 * The optimizer will need to load every class in the target DEX file.
 * This is generally undesirable, so we start a subprocess to do the
 * work and wait for it to complete.
 * Returns "true" on success.  All data will have been written to "fd".
bool dvmOptimizeDexFile(int fd, off_t dexOffset, long dexLength,
    const char* fileName, u4 modWhen, u4 crc, bool isBootstrap)
    const char* lastPart = strrchr(fileName, '/');
    if (lastPart != NULL)
        lastPart = fileName;

    ALOGD("DexOpt: --- BEGIN '%s' (bootstrap=%d) ---", lastPart, isBootstrap);

    pid_t pid;

     * This could happen if something in our bootclasspath, which we thought
     * was all optimized, got rejected.
    if (gDvm.optimizing) {
        ALOGW("Rejecting recursive optimization attempt on '%s'", fileName);
        return false;

    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0) {
        static const int kUseValgrind = 0;
        static const char* kDexOptBin = "/bin/dexopt";
        static const char* kValgrinder = "/usr/bin/valgrind";
        static const int kFixedArgCount = 10;
        static const int kValgrindArgCount = 5;
        static const int kMaxIntLen = 12;   // '-'+10dig+'\0' -OR- 0x+8dig
        int bcpSize = dvmGetBootPathSize();
        int argc = kFixedArgCount + bcpSize
            + (kValgrindArgCount * kUseValgrind);
        const char* argv[argc+1];             // last entry is NULL
        char values[argc][kMaxIntLen];
        char* execFile;
        const char* androidRoot;
        int flags;

        /* change process groups, so we don't clash with ProcessManager */
        setpgid(0, 0);

        /* full path to optimizer */
        androidRoot = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
        if (androidRoot == NULL) {
            ALOGW("ANDROID_ROOT not set, defaulting to /system");
            androidRoot = "/system";
        execFile = (char*)alloca(strlen(androidRoot) + strlen(kDexOptBin) + 1);
        strcpy(execFile, androidRoot);
        strcat(execFile, kDexOptBin);

         * Create arg vector.
        int curArg = 0;

        if (kUseValgrind) {
            /* probably shouldn't ship the hard-coded path */
            argv[curArg++] = (char*)kValgrinder;
            argv[curArg++] = "--tool=memcheck";
            argv[curArg++] = "--leak-check=yes";        // check for leaks too
            argv[curArg++] = "--leak-resolution=med";   // increase from 2 to 4
            argv[curArg++] = "--num-callers=16";        // default is 12
            assert(curArg == kValgrindArgCount);
        argv[curArg++] = execFile;

        argv[curArg++] = "--dex";

        sprintf(values[2], "%d", DALVIK_VM_BUILD);
        argv[curArg++] = values[2];

        sprintf(values[3], "%d", fd);
        argv[curArg++] = values[3];

        sprintf(values[4], "%d", (int) dexOffset);
        argv[curArg++] = values[4];

        sprintf(values[5], "%d", (int) dexLength);
        argv[curArg++] = values[5];

        argv[curArg++] = (char*)fileName;

        sprintf(values[7], "%d", (int) modWhen);
        argv[curArg++] = values[7];

        sprintf(values[8], "%d", (int) crc);
        argv[curArg++] = values[8];

        flags = 0;
        if (gDvm.dexOptMode != OPTIMIZE_MODE_NONE) {
            flags |= DEXOPT_OPT_ENABLED;
            if (gDvm.dexOptMode == OPTIMIZE_MODE_ALL)
                flags |= DEXOPT_OPT_ALL;
        if (gDvm.classVerifyMode != VERIFY_MODE_NONE) {
            flags |= DEXOPT_VERIFY_ENABLED;
            if (gDvm.classVerifyMode == VERIFY_MODE_ALL)
                flags |= DEXOPT_VERIFY_ALL;
        if (isBootstrap)
            flags |= DEXOPT_IS_BOOTSTRAP;
        if (gDvm.generateRegisterMaps)
            flags |= DEXOPT_GEN_REGISTER_MAPS;
        sprintf(values[9], "%d", flags);
        argv[curArg++] = values[9];

        assert(((!kUseValgrind && curArg == kFixedArgCount) ||
               ((kUseValgrind && curArg == kFixedArgCount+kValgrindArgCount))));

        ClassPathEntry* cpe;
        for (cpe = gDvm.bootClassPath; cpe->ptr != NULL; cpe++) {
            argv[curArg++] = cpe->fileName;
        assert(curArg == argc);

        argv[curArg] = NULL;

        if (kUseValgrind)
            execv(kValgrinder, const_cast<char**>(argv));
            execv(execFile, const_cast<char**>(argv));

        ALOGE("execv '%s'%s failed: %s", execFile,
            kUseValgrind ? " [valgrind]" : "", strerror(errno));
    } else {
        ALOGV("DexOpt: waiting for verify+opt, pid=%d", (int) pid);
        int status;
        pid_t gotPid;

         * Wait for the optimization process to finish.  We go into VMWAIT
         * mode here so GC suspension won't have to wait for us.
        ThreadStatus oldStatus = dvmChangeStatus(NULL, THREAD_VMWAIT);
        while (true) {
            gotPid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
            if (gotPid == -1 && errno == EINTR) {
                ALOGD("waitpid interrupted, retrying");
            } else {
        dvmChangeStatus(NULL, oldStatus);
        if (gotPid != pid) {
            ALOGE("waitpid failed: wanted %d, got %d: %s",
                (int) pid, (int) gotPid, strerror(errno));
            return false;

        if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) {
            ALOGD("DexOpt: --- END '%s' (success) ---", lastPart);
            return true;
        } else {
            ALOGW("DexOpt: --- END '%s' --- status=0x%04x, process failed",
                lastPart, status);
            return false;


 * Map the cached version.  This immediately rewinds the fd, so it
 * doesn't have to be seeked anywhere in particular.
if (dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(optFd, &pDvmDex) != 0) {
    ALOGI("Unable to map cached %s", fileName);
    goto bail;

 * Given an open optimized DEX file, map it into read-only shared memory and
 * parse the contents.
 * Returns nonzero on error.
int dvmDexFileOpenFromFd(int fd, DvmDex** ppDvmDex)
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    DexFile* pDexFile;
    MemMapping memMap;
    int parseFlags = kDexParseDefault;
    int result = -1;

    if (gDvm.verifyDexChecksum)
        parseFlags |= kDexParseVerifyChecksum;

    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
        ALOGE("lseek rewind failed");
        goto bail;

    if (sysMapFileInShmemWritableReadOnly(fd, &memMap) != 0) {
        ALOGE("Unable to map file");
        goto bail;

    pDexFile = dexFileParse((u1*)memMap.addr, memMap.length, parseFlags);
    if (pDexFile == NULL) {
        ALOGE("DEX parse failed");
        goto bail;

    pDvmDex = allocateAuxStructures(pDexFile);
    if (pDvmDex == NULL) {
        goto bail;

    /* tuck this into the DexFile so it gets released later */
    sysCopyMap(&pDvmDex->memMap, &memMap);
    pDvmDex->isMappedReadOnly = true;
    *ppDvmDex = pDvmDex;
    result = 0;

    return result;


 * Map a file (from fd's current offset) into a private, read-write memory
 * segment that will be marked read-only (a/k/a "writable read-only").  The
 * file offset must be a multiple of the system page size.
 * In some cases the mapping will be fully writable (e.g. for files on
 * FAT filesystems).
 * On success, returns 0 and fills out "pMap".  On failure, returns a nonzero
 * value and does not disturb "pMap".
int sysMapFileInShmemWritableReadOnly(int fd, MemMapping* pMap)
    off_t start;
    size_t length;
    void* memPtr;

    assert(pMap != NULL);

    if (getFileStartAndLength(fd, &start, &length) < 0)
        return -1;

    memPtr = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FILE | MAP_PRIVATE,
            fd, start);
    if (memPtr == MAP_FAILED) {
        ALOGW("mmap(%d, R/W, FILE|PRIVATE, %d, %d) failed: %s", (int) length,
            fd, (int) start, strerror(errno));
        return -1;
    if (mprotect(memPtr, length, PROT_READ) < 0) {
        /* this fails with EACCESS on FAT filesystems, e.g. /sdcard */
        int err = errno;
        ALOGV("mprotect(%p, %d, PROT_READ) failed: %s",
            memPtr, length, strerror(err));
        ALOGD("mprotect(RO) failed (%d), file will remain read-write", err);

    pMap->baseAddr = pMap->addr = memPtr;
    pMap->baseLength = pMap->length = length;

    return 0;
    return sysFakeMapFile(fd, pMap);


 * Parse an optimized or unoptimized .dex file sitting in memory.  This is
 * called after the byte-ordering and structure alignment has been fixed up.
 * On success, return a newly-allocated DexFile.
DexFile* dexFileParse(const u1* data, size_t length, int flags)
    DexFile* pDexFile = NULL;
    const DexHeader* pHeader;
    const u1* magic;
    int result = -1;

    if (length < sizeof(DexHeader)) {
        ALOGE("too short to be a valid .dex");
        goto bail;      /* bad file format */

    pDexFile = (DexFile*) malloc(sizeof(DexFile));
    if (pDexFile == NULL)
        goto bail;      /* alloc failure */
    memset(pDexFile, 0, sizeof(DexFile));

     * Peel off the optimized header.
    if (memcmp(data, DEX_OPT_MAGIC, 4) == 0) {
        magic = data;
        if (memcmp(magic+4, DEX_OPT_MAGIC_VERS, 4) != 0) {
            ALOGE("bad opt version (0x%02x %02x %02x %02x)",
                 magic[4], magic[5], magic[6], magic[7]);
            goto bail;

        pDexFile->pOptHeader = (const DexOptHeader*) data;
        ALOGV("Good opt header, DEX offset is %d, flags=0x%02x",
            pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexOffset, pDexFile->pOptHeader->flags);

        /* parse the optimized dex file tables */
        if (!dexParseOptData(data, length, pDexFile))
            goto bail;

        /* ignore the opt header and appended data from here on out */
        data += pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexOffset;
        length -= pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexOffset;
        if (pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexLength > length) {
            ALOGE("File truncated? stored len=%d, rem len=%d",
                pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexLength, (int) length);
            goto bail;
        length = pDexFile->pOptHeader->dexLength;

    dexFileSetupBasicPointers(pDexFile, data);
    pHeader = pDexFile->pHeader;

    if (!dexHasValidMagic(pHeader)) {
        goto bail;

     * Verify the checksum(s).  This is reasonably quick, but does require
     * touching every byte in the DEX file.  The base checksum changes after
     * byte-swapping and DEX optimization.
    if (flags & kDexParseVerifyChecksum) {
        u4 adler = dexComputeChecksum(pHeader);
        if (adler != pHeader->checksum) {
            ALOGE("ERROR: bad checksum (%08x vs %08x)",
                adler, pHeader->checksum);
            if (!(flags & kDexParseContinueOnError))
                goto bail;
        } else {
            ALOGV("+++ adler32 checksum (%08x) verified", adler);

        const DexOptHeader* pOptHeader = pDexFile->pOptHeader;
        if (pOptHeader != NULL) {
            adler = dexComputeOptChecksum(pOptHeader);
            if (adler != pOptHeader->checksum) {
                ALOGE("ERROR: bad opt checksum (%08x vs %08x)",
                    adler, pOptHeader->checksum);
                if (!(flags & kDexParseContinueOnError))
                    goto bail;
            } else {
                ALOGV("+++ adler32 opt checksum (%08x) verified", adler);

     * Verify the SHA-1 digest.  (Normally we don't want to do this --
     * the digest is used to uniquely identify the original DEX file, and
     * can't be computed for verification after the DEX is byte-swapped
     * and optimized.)
    if (kVerifySignature) {
        unsigned char sha1Digest[kSHA1DigestLen];
        const int nonSum = sizeof(pHeader->magic) + sizeof(pHeader->checksum) +

        dexComputeSHA1Digest(data + nonSum, length - nonSum, sha1Digest);
        if (memcmp(sha1Digest, pHeader->signature, kSHA1DigestLen) != 0) {
            char tmpBuf1[kSHA1DigestOutputLen];
            char tmpBuf2[kSHA1DigestOutputLen];
            ALOGE("ERROR: bad SHA1 digest (%s vs %s)",
                dexSHA1DigestToStr(sha1Digest, tmpBuf1),
                dexSHA1DigestToStr(pHeader->signature, tmpBuf2));
            if (!(flags & kDexParseContinueOnError))
                goto bail;
        } else {
            ALOGV("+++ sha1 digest verified");

    if (pHeader->fileSize != length) {
        ALOGE("ERROR: stored file size (%d) != expected (%d)",
            (int) pHeader->fileSize, (int) length);
        if (!(flags & kDexParseContinueOnError))
            goto bail;

    if (pHeader->classDefsSize == 0) {
        ALOGE("ERROR: DEX file has no classes in it, failing");
        goto bail;

     * Success!
    result = 0;

    if (result != 0 && pDexFile != NULL) {
        pDexFile = NULL;
    return pDexFile;


 * Create auxillary data structures.
 * We need a 4-byte pointer for every reference to a class, method, field,
 * or string constant.  Summed up over all loaded DEX files (including the
 * whoppers in the boostrap class path), this adds up to be quite a bit
 * of native memory.
 * For more traditional VMs these values could be stuffed into the loaded
 * class file constant pool area, but we don't have that luxury since our
 * classes are memory-mapped read-only.
 * The DEX optimizer will remove the need for some of these (e.g. we won't
 * use the entry for virtual methods that are only called through
 * invoke-virtual-quick), creating the possibility of some space reduction
 * at dexopt time.

static DvmDex* allocateAuxStructures(DexFile* pDexFile)
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;
    const DexHeader* pHeader;
    u4 stringSize, classSize, methodSize, fieldSize;

    pHeader = pDexFile->pHeader;

    stringSize = pHeader->stringIdsSize * sizeof(struct StringObject*);
    classSize  = pHeader->typeIdsSize * sizeof(struct ClassObject*);
    methodSize = pHeader->methodIdsSize * sizeof(struct Method*);
    fieldSize  = pHeader->fieldIdsSize * sizeof(struct Field*);

    u4 totalSize = sizeof(DvmDex) +
                   stringSize + classSize + methodSize + fieldSize;

    u1 *blob = (u1 *)dvmAllocRegion(totalSize,
                              PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, "dalvik-aux-structure");
    if ((void *)blob == MAP_FAILED)
        return NULL;

    pDvmDex = (DvmDex*)blob;
    blob += sizeof(DvmDex);

    pDvmDex->pDexFile = pDexFile;
    pDvmDex->pHeader = pHeader;

    pDvmDex->pResStrings = (struct StringObject**)blob;
    blob += stringSize;
    pDvmDex->pResClasses = (struct ClassObject**)blob;
    blob += classSize;
    pDvmDex->pResMethods = (struct Method**)blob;
    blob += methodSize;
    pDvmDex->pResFields = (struct Field**)blob;

    ALOGV("+++ DEX %p: allocateAux (%d+%d+%d+%d)*4 = %d bytes",
        pDvmDex, stringSize/4, classSize/4, methodSize/4, fieldSize/4,
        stringSize + classSize + methodSize + fieldSize);

    pDvmDex->pInterfaceCache = dvmAllocAtomicCache(DEX_INTERFACE_CACHE_SIZE);


    return pDvmDex;



if (locked) {
    /* unlock the fd */
    if (!dvmUnlockCachedDexFile(optFd)) {
        /* uh oh -- this process needs to exit or we'll wedge the system */
        ALOGE("Unable to unlock DEX file");
        goto bail;
    locked = false;


ALOGV("Successfully opened '%s'", fileName);


*ppRawDexFile = (RawDexFile*) calloc(1, sizeof(RawDexFile));
(*ppRawDexFile)->cacheFileName = cachedName;
(*ppRawDexFile)->pDvmDex = pDvmDex;
cachedName = NULL;      // don't free it below
result = 0;


ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)", sourceName);

pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;


else if (dvmJarFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pJarFile, false) == 0) {
    ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (Jar)", sourceName);

    pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
    pDexOrJar->isDex = false;
    pDexOrJar->pJarFile = pJarFile;
    pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;


else {
    ALOGV("Unable to open DEX file '%s'", sourceName);
    dvmThrowIOException("unable to open DEX file");


if (pDexOrJar != NULL) {
    pDexOrJar->fileName = sourceName;
} else {


 * Add given DexOrJar to the hash table of user-loaded dex files.
static void addToDexFileTable(DexOrJar* pDexOrJar) {
     * Later on, we will receive this pointer as an argument and need
     * to find it in the hash table without knowing if it's valid or
     * not, which means we can't compute a hash value from anything
     * inside DexOrJar. We don't share DexOrJar structs when the same
     * file is opened multiple times, so we can just use the low 32
     * bits of the pointer as the hash.
    u4 hash = (u4) pDexOrJar;
    void* result;

    result = dvmHashTableLookup(gDvm.userDexFiles, hash, pDexOrJar,
            hashcmpDexOrJar, true);

    if (result != pDexOrJar) {
        ALOGE("Pointer has already been added?");

    pDexOrJar->okayToFree = true;



0x02 PathClassLoader


 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package dalvik.system;

 * Provides a simple {@link ClassLoader} implementation that operates on a list
 * of files and directories in the local file system, but does not attempt to
 * load classes from the network. Android uses this class for its system class
 * loader and for its application class loader(s).
public class PathClassLoader extends BaseDexClassLoader {
     * Creates a {@code PathClassLoader} that operates on a given list of files
     * and directories. This method is equivalent to calling
     * {@link #PathClassLoader(String, String, ClassLoader)} with a
     * {@code null} value for the second argument (see description there).
     * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and
     * resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which
     * defaults to {@code ":"} on Android
     * @param parent the parent class loader
    public PathClassLoader(String dexPath, ClassLoader parent) {
        super(dexPath, null, null, parent);

     * Creates a {@code PathClassLoader} that operates on two given
     * lists of files and directories. The entries of the first list
     * should be one of the following:
     * <ul>
     * <li>JAR/ZIP/APK files, possibly containing a "classes.dex" file as
     * well as arbitrary resources.
     * <li>Raw ".dex" files (not inside a zip file).
     * </ul>
     * The entries of the second list should be directories containing
     * native library files.
     * @param dexPath the list of jar/apk files containing classes and
     * resources, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}, which
     * defaults to {@code ":"} on Android
     * @param libraryPath the list of directories containing native
     * libraries, delimited by {@code File.pathSeparator}; may be
     * {@code null}
     * @param parent the parent class loader
    public PathClassLoader(String dexPath, String libraryPath,
            ClassLoader parent) {
        super(dexPath, null, libraryPath, parent);

